Vibrant colors reminiscent of spring provide an uplifting aesthetic for local residents and passersby in Stamford - even during the coldest of winter months! Created in hopes of inspiring more public art in the area as well as bringing joy to the community, the Stillwater Flowers mural enriches and beautifies the space around the West Side neighborhood. This stunning mural by contemporary artist, DAAS, is located along the northern wall of the Stillwater Stamford, a 4-story multi-family building in Stamford, CT.
Cuono Engineering was contracted by WellBuilt for the structural design of this new wood on concrete podium slab building with partial basement level parking below. The at-grade drive aisle passes under the north end of the building, where there are 3 stories of wood above transferring onto a slab on metal deck. This drive aisle allows access to the below-grade garage at the rear of the building. The ceiling of the garage is a two-way flat transfer slab picking up the 4 stories of wood trusses and bearing walls above.