Design Build is on the rise on large commercial and municipal projects. While it still has legal hurdles in some states, it is growing in market share as a business and delivery model.
The greater real estate and construction industry are putting pressure for compressed schedules and lower fees; 3D modeling and connectivity have provided the technology for greater cooperation across design teams and with construction teams; poor communication and lack of involvement during construction administration creates greater risk for litigation for designers and builders; acquisitions and mergers are on the rise; competition is on the rise: We predict that all these factors will lead to increased design-build designer led project delivery on everyday smaller scale projects.
Though design-build, for building projects, is typically either contractor led or architect led, we believe that there are opportunities for the Structural Engineer to “step up to the plate “ and lead design-build projects.
This essay, featured in STRUCTURE Magazine, explores the various markets forces and conditions that are contributing to increased design-build and examines ways that the Structural Engineers can become a unique leaders on the forefront of an every evolving industry.
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